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الأخبار : مقالة

​Learning the skills of effective investigations

الجرافيك Hands writing on paper

The APF will begin a blended learning course to support the work of human rights investigators in NHRIs across the Asia Pacific region.

A new APF blended learning course will provide human rights investigators from across the Asia Pacific region with a comprehensive overview of the skills needed to conduct thorough and impartial investigations.

The five-week online course – which runs from 24 March to 25 April 2014 – will examine the following topics:

  • fundamental investigative principles
  • how to plan an investigation
  • how to conduct interviews (run over two weeks)
  • collecting and using digital and documentary evidence.

Course participants, who are drawn from all APF member institutions, will undertake set readings, complete weekly quizzes, contribute to online discussions and submit assignments related to the key themes.

The training will draw heavily on the principles and methodology outlined in the APF publication, Undertaking Effective Investigations: A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions.

Participants who successfully complete the online course will take part in a week-long, face-to-face workshop hosted by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) in May 2014.

"Whether the focus is on resolving individual complaints or uncovering systemic failings, effective human rights investigations uncover the facts of a case and provide a pathway to justice, redress and restitution for victims," said Kieren Fitzpatrick, Director of the APF secretariat.

"This course aims to help NHRI investigators in their important and challenging work," he said.

The blended learning course will be led by Gareth Jones, a former Director of Major Investigations at the Canadian Military Ombudsman's Office, supported by APF Master Trainer Abdul Rahman Abdullah from SUHAKAM.

Date: 19 March 2014

مصادر الصورة

  1. Hands writing on paper - APF/James Iliffe