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دى آسيا و المحيط الهادئ يعمل نحو ترجمة موقعه الإلكتروني الى اللغة العربية. لاحظنا اهتمامكم بالحصول على هذا المصدر باللغة العربية وقد تم التاشير عليه للترجمة. اذا كنتم بحاجة لهذا المصدر بشكل مسعجل وضروري لاغراض مهنية، نرجوا مراسلة سكرتاريا المنتدى لمناقشة طلبكم.

الأخبار : مقالة

Commission condemns torture, drowning of Afghan refugees

الجرافيك Men walk over a bridge, Herat

The Commission said the perpetrators should be identified and brought to justice to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) said in a statement it had confirmed the beating, torture and drowning of several Afghan refugees by Iranian security forces.

The AIHRC interviewed survivors of the incident and local officials in Heart.

The AIHRC reported that the incident occurred on 1 May 2020 in Karez-e-Elyas village of Gulran District in Heart, which shares border with Iran.

"Report has it that some refugees have drowned and some have escaped. The Commission is still working on the case for more exact statistics," the statement said.

"While expressing sympathy and condolences to the survivors of this incident, the AIHRC regards such brutal behaviour by Iranian security forces to be a serious violation of human rights principles and values.

"In addition, the rights of refugees and immigrants, and the commitment of States to international conventions have been violated.

"To this end, the AIHRC urges the Government of Afghanistan, specifically the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to form a committee including officials from both countries – Iran and Afghanistan – in cooperation with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to thoroughly investigate the case.

"It is expected that the perpetrators would be identified and brought to justice to prevent such incidents from happening again. In addition, the victims shall be compensated."

The AIHRC said it would continue its advocacy for the victims and the survivors.

Date: 5 May 2020

Source: Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission

مصادر الصورة

  1. Men walk over a bridge, Herat - Jayanth Vincent, Flickr CC