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الأخبار : مقالة

Mongolia: Revised Law on NHRC comes into force

الجرافيك The Parliament of Mongolia

The revised law - which came into effect on 3 March 2020 - contains a number of progressive provisions.

On 23 January 2020, the Parliament of Mongolia considered a final review of the revised draft Law on National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia and adopted it during its autumn plenary session.

This newly-enacted Law on National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia reflected new progressive provisions covering issues such as:

  • Increasing the number of Commissioners from three to five
  • Ensuring a transparent and open appointment procedure for Commissioners
  • Establishing the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) within the Commission and appointing a Commissioner to be in charge of NPM
  • Ensuring the implementation of recommendations made by the Commission and improving accountability mechanisms for those officials held responsible for not fulfilling those recommendations.

Parliament officially promulgates national laws through their publication and, unless a law provides otherwise, it becomes effective ten days after the date of publication on the State Gazette.

The revised Law on National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia was published on the State Gazette on 21 February 2020 in its 8th volume and the Law came into effect from 3 March 2020.

مصادر الصورة

  1. The Parliament of Mongolia - APF/James Iliffe