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Graphic: NHRC vehicle travels in mountainous country

National Human Rights Commission of Nepal Full Member since 2000.

Harihar Bhawan, Pulchowk
P: +977 1 501 0015 F: +977 1 554 7973 W: www.nhrcnepal.org


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2000 (5th Annual Meeting)


The National Human Rights Commission of Nepal is an independent and autonomous institution established on 5 June 2000, under the Human Rights Commission Act 1997, passed by the Nepalese Parliament.

Role and functions

The major functions of the Commission include:

  • Conducting inquiries and investigations into human rights violations
  • Conducting public hearings or inquiries
  • Visiting, inspecting and observing any authority, jail or organisation under the Government and submitting recommendations to protect human rights
  • Reviewing the provisions and protection provided by the Constitution and other laws and making necessary recommendations for the effective protection of human rights
  • Studying international human rights treaties and making recommendations to the Government for effective implementation of such provisions
  • Undertaking and facilitating research in the area of human rights
  • Undertaking human rights education among different sections of society and building awareness on the guarantees of laws for the protection of human rights
  • Encouraging and assisting non-governmental organisations working in the field of human rights
  • Continuously monitoring the human rights situation in the country.


Hon. Justice Top Bahadur Magar

Hon. Dr. Surya Dhungel

Hon. Mihir Thakur

Hon. Manoj Duwadi

Hon. Lily Thapa

Justice Anup Raj Sharma, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal, describes the impact of the April 2015 earthquake and the immediate response of the Commission to monitor the human rights situation of those individuals and communities most severely affected.

Image credits

  1. NHRC vehicle travels in mountainous country - National Human Rights Commission of Nepal