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APF and GANHRI express concern for Kyrgyz Ombudsman facing early termination of appointment

Graphic: Atyr Abdrakhmatova

Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions LogoGlobal Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions
Asia Pacific Forum LogoAsia Pacific Forum

The Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) and the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) express grave concern for the Ombudsman of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Ms Atyr Abdrakhmatova, as reports suggest she is facing early termination of her appointment due to her human rights advocacy work. 

In a letter to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and other senior officials, the APF and GANHRI have called on government representatives to exercise their influence to ensure that the proposal to terminate Ms Abdrakhmatova’s appointment is defeated.

“The APF and GANHRI have worked closely with Ms Abdrakhmatova during her tenure as Ombudsman and have been impressed by her unwavering commitment to her institutional mandate to promote and protect human rights in Kyrgyzstan,” said Maryam Abdullah Al-Attiyah, and Song Doo-hwan, Chairpersons of GANHRI and APF, respectively. 

“We understand that Ms Abdrakhmatova has faced considerable political pressure and threats of reprisals in response to her recent public advocacy for the rights of human rights defenders, among other actions she has taken to promote and protect human rights during her term of appointment.”

“In this context, we remain deeply concerned that Ms Abdrakhmatova is facing the threat of early termination of her appointment as a direct response to legitimate actions taken in an official capacity in fulfilling her mandate to promote and protect human rights,” they said.

The Ombudsman of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) of Kyrgyzstan and operates within the framework of international standards for NHRIs, the ‘Paris Principles’. A fundamental requirement of the Principles is that NHRIs are able to discharge their mandate independently and without interference from government and other actors. 

The action against Ms Abdrakhmatova, believed to be in accordance with article 7 of the Law On Ombudsman (Akyikatchy) of the Kyrgyz Republic, would compromise the independence of the Ombudsman and be manifestly inconsistent with the Paris Principles.

Date: 27 April 2023

Image credits

  1. Atyr Abdrakhmatova - Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan