APF meets with National Human Rights Commission of Taiwan

The APF met with representatives of Taiwan's NHRI to exchange information on capacity development, leadership and best practices.

The APF secretariat recently met with representatives of the National Human Rights Commission of Taiwan (NHRC) to exchange information on capacity development, leadership and best practices within National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs).

During the meeting in Sydney, Australia on 17 April, the NHRC shared their current work and priorities, which include setting up monitoring mechanisms for child rights and the rights of people with disabilities, advising on the domestic implementation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and its Optional Protocol, and supporting the development of Taiwan’s Equality (Anti-Discrimination) Law.

The NHRC is also working to strengthen its operational effectiveness, including increasing staff and capacity development to address the growing number and complexity of human rights cases.

During the meeting, the APF secretariat shared details of APF capacity development, leadership and capacity assessment services to support NHRIs in the Asia Pacific region.

It was fantastic to meet with representatives from the NHRC to share ideas on how we can further support the strengthening of the institution, and discuss opportunities for future collaboration."

Pip Dargan, Principal Advisor, APF Leadership Services

In recent years, the APF has played a significant role in advising and supporting the NHRC's role as an NHRI in compliance with the Paris Principles. This support included co-facilitating a 2017 scoping visit on the institution's design and providing follow-up advice in 2020 on national legislation to establish the NHRC's legal mandate.

The APF looks forward to further collaboration with the NHRC as the institution continues to strengthen its work to protect and promote human rights in Taiwan.

Date: 15 May 2024

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Image credits

  1. APF and NHRC representatives during the meeting in Sydney, Australia - APF

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