Fiji's NHRI welcomed as new APF member

The APF has welcomed the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission as its newest member.

The Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission (FHRADC) has become the APF’s newest member, following its accreditation as a ‘B-status’ institution by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) Subcommittee on Accreditation (SCA).

“We’re pleased to welcome the Fiji Commission as an APF member and look forward to collaborating with them to further strengthen their work to protect and promote human rights in Fiji,” said Kieren Fitzpatrick, APF Director.

The APF has supported the Commission through various activities, including undertaking a capacity assessment of the institution in 2020, and working with the institution to identify its human rights priorities and goals for the next five years, as part of an APF strategic planning workshop held in July 2022.

Following the strategic planning workshop, the FHRADC requested support from the APF to develop a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) framework to strengthen their ability to gather data and report on the positive impacts it has on human rights in Fiji.

To support this work, in September 2022 the APF held a MEAL workshop with the FHRADC in Suva, Fiji, which aimed to strengthen the overall understanding of MEAL throughout the Commission, build leadership and expertise in the facilitation of MEAL processes and to develop a MEAL framework to work alongside its strategic plan.

Pravesh Sharma, Chairperson of the FHRADC, said he looks forward to learning more from the APF network: “We are very grateful to the APF as it provides support and a platform for learning from others,” he said.

The APF will continue to collaborate with the FHRADC to strengthen its internal and external operations and its capacity to deliver on its strategic priorities.

Date: 31 October 2022

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  • Asia Pacific Forum

Image credits

  1. APF Strategic Planning workshop with the FHRADC - APF/Amy Janowski

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