New amendments to GANHRI statute approved at Annual Meeting

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) from across the globe have come together to reflect on the current state of human rights, and discuss ways of moving forward, as part of the annual meeting of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), held from 14-16 March at the UN Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

The three-day event included the GANHRI Bureau Meeting and General Assembly, an NHRI Knowledge Exchange, the GANHRI Annual Conference, as well as the regional meetings of the four NHRI networks.

At the GANHRI Bureau Meeting and General Assembly, members approved amendments to the Alliance’s statute, enabling both ‘A status’ and ‘B status’ NHRIs to be subject to special review or suspension if their circumstances changed in a way that may affect their compliance with the Paris Principles.

The amendments also provide the Sub-committee on Accreditation with the ability to recommend the removal of an NHRI’s accreditation status where it is no longer considered to be operating in compliance with the Paris Principles.

Members also adopted the new GANHRI Strategic Plan for 2023-2027 which sets out the organisation’s mission and priorities ahead; the work plan and 2023 budget for GANHRI’s head office; and work plans for its Working Groups and GANHRI Climate Change Caucus.

During the Knowledge Exchange on Torture and other ill-treatment: The role of NHRIs, hosted by GANHRI in partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), NHRIs shared their experiences, insights and examples of good practice in preventing and addressing torture and ill-treatment in places of detention. More information about the Knowledge Exchange is available here.

The APF regional meeting brought together APF members, observer NHRIs and other stakeholders. “It was wonderful to see our members, and those NHRIs seeking APF membership, in-person after two years of virtual meetings,” said APF Director, Kieren Fitzpatrick. The meeting was an opportunity for APF Forum Councillors to consider GANHRI-related issues, review the operation of the APF over the previous six months and discuss matters of mutual interest between member NHRIs and stakeholders.

At the GANHRI Annual Conference, participants celebrated several significant milestones in human rights, including the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Principles by the United Nations General Assembly and the establishment of GANHRI. Participants explored creative and sustainable ways for moving forward to strengthen human rights protections and for realising the full potential of NHRIs, the regional networks and GANHRI.

The Conference closed with GANHRI members adopting a statement expressing deep concern at the roll-back of human rights protections across the world and a renewed commitment to creating a safe space for human rights defenders and to engaging proactively with international bodies to address human rights violations across the world.

Read the statement here.

Date: 31 March 2023

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  • Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions

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