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فعالية : ورشة عمل

The Torture Prevention Ambassadors' Project: Innovative Experiences of NHRIs in the Asia Pacific

الجرافيك Torture Prevention Ambassadors at the joint meeting in Ulaanbaatar, August 2015

بدأ النشاط


انتهاء النشاط



Room XXIII, Palais des Nations
12:00 – 13:00
التعذيب تعليم التحقيقات الوطنية التفاعل الدولي الإعلام والاتصالات مراقبة تأييد

The APF and the Association for the Prevention of Torture will launch the Torture Prevention Ambassador's Good Practice Report.

Association for the Prevention of Torture LogoAssociation for the Prevention of Torture
Asia Pacific Forum LogoAsia Pacific Forum

The Torture Prevention Ambassadors was an 18-month project, aimed at strengthening the capacity of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the Asia Pacific region.

The Ambassadors, representing the NHRIs of Australia, Korea, Maldives, Mongolia, New Zealand, Philippines and Timor Leste, have developed and implemented individual projects to address the prevention of torture and ill-treatment in their home countries.

At this special side event at the 32nd Session of the Human Rights Council, the APF and the Association for the Prevention of Torture will launch of the Torture Prevention Ambassadors Good Practice Report developed as part of the project.

The panel will share the experiences and lessons learned from the projects and discuss new and innovative methods for NHRIs to prevent torture and ill-treatment.


Mr. Chris Sidoti and Mr. Marco Mona, project mentors

Opening remarks

Ms. Barbara Bernath, Chief of Operations, Association for the Prevention of Torture
Ms. Kate Turner-Mann, Regional Training Manager, Asia Pacific Forum


Enforcing the law, preventing torture in Mongolia
Ms. Oyunchimeg Purev, Mongolia Human Rights Commission

Partnering with the police for prevention in the Philippines
Ms. Jacqueline De Guia, Philippines Commission on Human Rights

Expanding the scope and reach of OPCAT monitoring in New Zealand
Mr. Michael White, New Zealand Human Rights Commission

مصادر الصورة

  1. Torture Prevention Ambassadors at the joint meeting in Ulaanbaatar, August 2015 - APF/James Iliffe