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الأخبار : مقالة

Grant applications open for APF members

الجرافيك Officials from the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal talk to hospital patients

EUR 15,000 in funding will be available to support projects relating to human rights education and monitoring economic, social and cultural rights

APF members are being encouraged to submit a proposal to undertake a human rights education program or a project to monitor economic, social and cultural rights in their country.

Up to EUR 15,000 will be awarded to the successful national human rights institution (NHRI) in each of the two categories.

The grant application round is open to all APF members that took part in the blended learning courses on human rights education (completed September 2016) and monitoring economic, social and cultural rights (completed January 2017), delivered by the APF and the Danish Institute for Human Rights as part of the EU NHRI project.

Project proposals should draw on the skills and strategies that NHRIs developed through their participation in the blended learning course, demonstrating how they will be turned into action.

Instructions for submitting the project proposals, along with the selection criteria, are available at: http://nhri-grants.humanrights.dk/en/.

Applications must be submitted online by 30 September 2017.

Grant applications will open at a later date for APF members who have developed a project proposal following their participation in the blended learning course on monitoring and reporting (to finish in October 2017).

Date: 6 September 2017

EU logo

The EU NHRI project aims to strengthen the impact and effectiveness of national human rights institutions in all parts of the globe by improving their capacity to promote and protect human rights.

مصادر الصورة

  1. Officials from the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal talk to hospital patients - National Human Rights Commission of Nepal
  2. EU logo - EU