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دى آسيا و المحيط الهادئ يعمل نحو ترجمة موقعه الإلكتروني الى اللغة العربية. لاحظنا اهتمامكم بالحصول على هذا المصدر باللغة العربية وقد تم التاشير عليه للترجمة. اذا كنتم بحاجة لهذا المصدر بشكل مسعجل وضروري لاغراض مهنية، نرجوا مراسلة سكرتاريا المنتدى لمناقشة طلبكم.

Promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls

الجرافيك Girls reading

Women and girls in all countries across the Asia Pacific are at risk of serious violations of their human rights, such as gender-based violence and harassment.

Entrenched roles, attitudes and stereotypes also mean that many experience poverty, discrimination and unequal access to health services and the education and justice systems.

National human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the Asia Pacific region have made a commitment to take concrete steps to advance gender equality and to promote and protect the human rights of women and girls in their respective countries.

The APF's blended learning training course provides staff and Commissioners from our member institutions with the skills and knowledge to lead genuine and sustained change.

The five-week online course includes readings, presentations and discussions on:

  • International standards relevant to the rights of women and girls
  • Practical action that NHRIs can take to promote and protect the rights of women and girls
  • Opportunities to engage with international and regional human rights mechanisms
  • Special issues of focus, including reproductive rights; violence against women and girls; and the rights of female migrant domestic workers
  • Integrating a focus on gender equality into the work and operations of NHRIs.

Graphic: Woman smiling

Promoting and Protecting the Human Rights of Women and Girls: A Manual for NHRIs

This manual examines the different ways that NHRIs can use their unique mandate to promote and protect the human rights of women and girls.

All participants who successfully complete the online component attend a face-to-face workshop, which provides opportunities for them to deepen their knowledge, consolidate their skills and share examples of good practice.

As part of the workshop, participants develop a set of practical "action points" to promote and protect the rights of women and girls in relation to a specific issue, for implementation by their NHRIs.

This training program underpins one of the APF's strategic priorities to promote gender equality.


The APF has delivered:


Upcoming event: International Conference on Gender Inclusion in NHRIs

24 يوليو 2024 نيبال

Asia Pacific behind on Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

19 فبراير 2024  

APF people profile: Nayela Akter, Project Officer

31 مايو 2023  
المهاجرين واللاجئيتأييد

NHRIs meet to develop action plan on reproductive rights

31 مارس 2023  
الحقوق الإنجابية
مزيد من المقالات

مصادر الصورة

  1. Girls reading - Kristian Buus, Flickr Creative Commons