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الأخبار : مقالة

Putting gender equality at the heart of our training

الجرافيك NHRI staff take part in an APF training course, Nepal

APF trainers are now able to draw on new guidelines to ensure that gender equality is built into all aspects of the training programs they deliver.

Asia Pacific Forum LogoAsia Pacific Forum

APF trainers are now able to draw on new guidelines to ensure that gender equality is built into all aspects of the training programs they deliver.

The APF Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines for Trainers include questions and a checklist that require them to integrate gender considerations into the planning, delivery and evaluation of all training programs.

"A fundamental goal of the APF is to support our members in their vital work to promote and protect the human rights of women and girls," said Pip Dargan, Deputy Director of the APF secretariat and APF Gender Focal Point.

"That's why it is so important that gender is considered in the content and delivery of all our training programs, from investigations and torture prevention through to running national inquiries," she said.

"It also creates a more inclusive and effective learning environment, and can contribute to achieving gender equality by encouraging greater representation and participation."

Women and girls in the Asia Pacific region are at serious and daily risk of violations of their human rights. Every APF training program should be designed so that NHRIs are better equipped to see and respond to the violence, harassment and discrimination that women and girls experience.

Pip Dargan ،APF Deputy Director and APF Gender Focal Point Asia Pacific Forum Logo

The APF Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines for Trainers will be shared with all APF trainers and prospective trainers.

They are also available for trainers and educators within APF member institutions.

The guidelines complement other steps that the APF has taken to support national human rights institutions to build gender considerations into their everyday work, including providing advice and expertise on gender mainstreaming to those who request it, and highlighting gender-related issues in our capacity assessments with members.

The APF also delivers gender-specific training programs, including a blended learning course on the human rights of women and girls, as well as programs that address the specific needs of APF members.

In October 2017, the APF will run training workshops on the human rights of women and girls for staff of the National Human Rights Commission of India.

And in February 2018, the APF will organise a two day roundtable workshop for representatives of NHRIs in West Asia to share their experiences and priorities in responding to the human rights challenges facing women and girls.

Date: 11 August 2017

مصادر الصورة

  1. NHRI staff take part in an APF training course, Nepal - National Human Rights Commission of Nepal