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Promoting & Protecting Human Rights

Graphic: Amman, Jordan

The APF provides the support our members need to be powerful agents for change.

The APF and our member institutions play a critical role in contributing to genuine reforms talking place in different parts of the Asia Pacific region.

Change can take many forms, including removing discrimination in laws and policies, improving the practices of law enforcement and government officials, promoting better ways of doing business, and challenging negative stereotypes about vulnerable groups in the community.

We work with a range of partners – civil society organisations, governments and international organisations – to help build communities where the human rights of all people are protected.


Upcoming event: International Conference on Gender Inclusion in NHRIs

24 Jul 2024 Nepal

APF releases new guide on human rights community-led development for NHRIs

24 Jul 2024  

APF conducts Capacity Assessment Review of Fiji's NHRI

24 Jul 2024  

Strengthening the work of NHRIs in preventing torture

24 Jul 2024  
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Image credits

  1. Amman, Jordan - Sirio Carnevalino on AdobeStock