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Foundation course for staff of NHRIs

Graphic: NHRI staff member interviewing a person in detention

Less than 20 NHRIs were in existence when the Paris Principles – the international benchmark for independent and effective national human rights institutions (NHRIs) - were developed at a ground-breaking conference in 1991. Today, there are more than 110 NHRIs operating across the globe.

This rapid growth reflects the recognition, among governments and the international community, of the enormous contribution that NHRIs make in their respective countries.

NHRIs occupy a unique place in the national human rights framework. They are established by government, but they operate independently from government.

Independent and effective NHRIs can be powerful agents for change.

The Foundation Course for Staff of National Human Rights Institutions aims to introduce participants to the:

The course is provided for staff of APF member institutions.

Graphic: Staff of Nepal NHRC talk with the relative of a victim

Manual on National Human Rights Institutions

APF publication examines the key characteristics of independent and effective NHRIs, featuring case studies from our members (updated October 2018)


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Image credits

  1. NHRI staff member interviewing a person in detention - Human Rights Commission of Malaysia